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Our Picks for Links of the Week: 22 April 2001

Here, in no particular order, are our nominees for links of the week:

  1. Cut the Blah Blah Blah: The numbers behind NAFTA just don't add up (Naomi Klein, The Guardian).
  2. Robertson Remarks on China Abortions Rile Conservatives: Abortion is apparently God's will in Communist countries (Thomas Edsall, Washington Post).
  3. "I Lived in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time": Sixty years later, remembering the Holocaust means promoting ethic and religious tolerance (Stephan Ross, Boston Globe).
  4. A Test of Civilization: Humane treatment of American prisoners could reflect well on the strength and virtue of the United States. The converse also applies (Anthony Lewis, New York Times).
  5. When You Get What You Wish For: A leaked document from the Negotiating Group on Investment of the FTAA may be a harbinger of things to come (Paul Knox, The Globe and Mail, via Common Dreams News Center).

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Bear Left! Is a production of Paul Corrigan and Tim Francis-Wright, who produce this as a public service.
Last update 29 April 2001.