Over the past 42 months, scores of executives at telecommunications companies made huge profits selling stock. Counting sales made by their relatives, 99 executives had profits of over $10 million. Of these sellers, 57 made over $25 million, 26 made over $50 million, and 12 made over $100 million. These totals do not include profits on shares granted to executives by vendors or suppliers. Source: New York Times chart, 25 August 2002, Section 3, page 10. |
Play Gall! From the White House to the baseball stadium, the American people are being played for fools. |
Messed Up in Texas If someone had drafted the Texas Republican Party Platform as an attempt at satire, Americans would deem it in bad taste. Too bad it's for real. |
Bear Left Review of Books The uniquely American phenomenon of fast food has deep and troubling ramifications for American society. |
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"Bear left!"/"Right, Frog!" (Kermit and Fozzie, The Muppet Movie)