The newly-formed Information Awareness Office (IAO) at the Pentagon, like any newly-formed Pentagon office, needed a spiffy new logo. The brain trust at IAO figured that a good logo would combine global scope with a distinctly American flavor, plus a motto in Latin. In theory, this is all good. But in theory, theory and practice are the same. The actual
logo will make the tinfoil-hat crowd go nuts. The actual logo
features a stylized reverse of the Great Seal of the United States
(you know, the pyramid with the eye over it from the back of the
American $1 bill), with a beam of light from the eye on the Great
Seal shining on much of Europe and Africa. The Latin motto on the
logo reads: Even the Latin leaves something to be desired. The Chambers-
Murray Latin-English Dictionary, a standard reference work,
defines potentia as And who is head of that brain trust? Why, it's John Poindexter. Yes, the same John Poindexter who was the brains behind the Iran-Contra affair. Sources: Information Awareness Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Cryptogon weblog, 19 July 2002. |
True Patriotism True patriots include those, like Daniel Ellsberg, who tell political truths even when they are unpopular. |
The Big Lie In Vietnam, Lyndon Johnson had one Big Lie. In Iraq, George Bush has at least three. |
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