Where else would you get your leftist bearings every week?
Volume II, Number 4625 November 2002
George W. Bush often jokes that trading Sammy Sosa to the Chicago Cubs when he was an owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team was his biggest professional mistake. The latest Bush trade, freedom for security, makes even less sense. Americans are now both less safe and less free. It would appear that Bush has a slow learning curve, assuming that he cared about liberty when he made the trade. He didn't.
[Click on the link to read the whole article.]
Tim was working too hard on web design this weekend and won't have an article this week.
Articles from previous weeks are in our archives. If you're not careful, you might learn something.
We started using proper HTML and CSS coding, and stopped using tables for layout. If you are using anything close to a modern browser, you should see an improvement. Even better, if you're not, the site still makes sense, regardless of whether you're using a screen reader, a cell phone, or even just Mosaic or Lynx. Please let us know what you think.
In an effort to increase sales of Lupron, a lucrative anticancer drug, TAP Pharmaceuticals representatives targeted potential customers in prostate cancer support groups. Internal TAP documents show that sales representatives in 1997 and 1998 were instructed to get close to patient support groups, even to attend meetings themselves, to pitch the company's hormone therapy. And people say that drug companies have no souls.
Boston Globe,
12 November 2002.